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  枫林在线 >> How to read a research paper - a clinician's view 本文已被浏览13162  
How to read a research paper - a clinician's view [原创]
(2005-08-27 20:18:09) 作者:p53
A research paper contain the following sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion and the Literatures cited.

When reading a paper, I use the order Conclusion in Abstract, Introduction, Results, Conclusion and MM.

An abstract summarize the study with brevity and readability. It contains a few items such as Purpose of the study, the Model involved, the Specific data show in Results and Conclusion. The Conclusion may directly show me the importance of the study.

Why an introduction should by emphasized? A good introduction should give the reader a circumstance to understand the significance of the study whether you are a specialist or not.

Results show the analyzed data to prove the conclusion. Usualy author describe the results in the form of a figure or table that are most relevant.

Discussion is the most interesting part of the research paper. The gloden rule of discussion is to interpret your data in appropriate depth. With the interpretation of the results the author desribe the importance of these findings and recommend future directions. The mechanisms is the focus to explain the observations. With the hypothesis author discuss with other evidence to verify the conclusion and try to offer an appropriate explanation.
※作者已于 2005-08-31 21:45:28 修改本文※

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